Genetic Testing to Avoid Prescription Abuse
• We lose a life every 2 minutes to non-optimized medications.
• The FDA states that close to 5 million Americans are seen by a medical professional for adverse drug reactions each year. Adverse drug reactions are the 4th leading cause of death in America
With the ever rising number of patients whose lives are destroyed by addiction and misdiagnosing, finally there is an affordable test that can prevent adverse drug reactions and even death.
Please take this survey so you can see how important it is that you are prescribed ONLY what you need and to understand exactly how your body will react to what you are taking.
The Right Patient -> The Right Drug -> The Right Dose -> The Right Time
• $528B Spent on Non-Optimized Drugs, More than Drugs Themselves or Any Major Chronic Disease
• Adverse Drug Events cause approximately 1.3 million Emergency Department Visits each Year.
About 350,000 Patients each Year need to be Hospitalized for Further Treatment after Emergency Visits for an ADE
• ADE's is the 2nd Leading Cause of Hospital Readmissions
• 99% of patients have at least one Pharmacogenetic variation on average that causes an atypical response to one of the 10 most commonly prescribed medications
• ADRs cause 1 out of 5 injuries or deaths per year to hospitalized patients
-> Increased prescriptions and cost
• A 2018 study published in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Internal Medicine found that up to 33% of adults in the United States were prescribed medications that may be unnecessary. 3 in 10 Americans say they haven’t taken their medicine as prescribed due to cost.
• $300B in annual healthcare costs due to medication nonadherence.
• 87% of pharmacy spend is due to people with 3 or more chronic conditions.
• Additional unnecessary office visits and copays.
PLEASE take this survey: https://form.typeform.com/to/mvseKfOH

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